I want to cancel
We're sorry to hear you're looking to leave.
How to cancel
If we have let you down in any way which has led to you wanting to cancel, please get in touch via chat or submit a request so we can discuss how we can help with next steps. Please note that in-contract cancellations are subject to a cancellation fee.
How are the cancellation fees calculated?
The cancellation fee is calculated by multiplying your monthly bill by the number of months you have left until your contract end date. For example, if you pay £25/month and you have four months left on your contract, your cancellation fees would be £100. Our Terms and Conditions provide more information on this.
Moving home?
If you are moving out and need to cancel because we do not service your new address, we can help. Please check our moving home article to see your options.
Closing an account due to bereavement
You can find more information on this here.