I’m not getting Premium WiFi or WiFi in every room. What can I do?
Our Premium WiFi and WiFi in Every Room services aim to deliver the speed ranges advertised with our standard broadband packages. If you are not achieving the speeds you expected, please take some time to consider the below:
What rooms are you not achieving coverage in?
With Premium WiFi and WiFi in Every Room We we guarantee a minimum of 35 Mbps WiFi coverage in up to five bedrooms and 12 rooms in total across a maximum of three floors. However, we expect your service to be much faster than this in most cases as per the speeds specified against our broadband packages.
We do not guarantee coverage in outbuildings, garages or spaces exceeding the five bedrooms and 12 rooms in total, across a maximum of three floors. Depending on the layout of your home and the location of your routers, you may still achieve WiFi coverage on additional rooms or floors.
Have you moved any of your routers?
Please note: For new broadband customers, our specialist engineers will set up your Premium WiFi and WiFi in Every Room routers in the optimal position to give you the best possible coverage throughout your home. However, we cannot guarantee that you will continue to receive the same coverage if you move any of the routers.
If you do move any of your routers, even a small distance, be sure to power each router down and back up again to allow them to reselect the best frequency.
Next steps
If you are receiving less than 35 Mbps of speed in your home, please contact a member of our team or submit a request with a screenshot of your speed test.
Our team will then run through some troubleshooting with you or arrange an engineer visit if required.
Our Premium WiFi guarantee and WiFi in Every Room guarantees pay out if we fail to deliver a minimum baseline WiFi speed of 35 Mbps in up to five bedrooms and 12 rooms in total across a maximum of three floors, as long as your home meets the above eligibility criteria.
If at your broadband installation appointment, our engineer confirms that Premium WiFi is not going to be suitable in your home, then we will remove it from your contract, revert your package to a 1 Gbps or 3 Gbps package free of cost and give you three months free on your bill.
Should you need further assistance, please reach out to a member of our team via chat or submit a request.